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The Future of Cloud Native Java

For many years, Java EE has been a major platform for mission-critical enterprise applications. In order to accelerate business application development for a cloud-native world, leading software vendors collaborated to move Java EE technologies to the Eclipse Foundation where they will evolve under the Jakarta EE brand.

What is Jakarta EE?

Jakarta EE is a set of specifications that enables the world wide community of java developers to work on cloud native java enterprise applications. The specifications are developed by well known industry leaders that instills confidence in technology developers and consumers.

Jakarta EE specifications are either grouped into a platform specification (Full or Web Platform) or can be an individual specification.

Regardless of the grouping all Jakarta EE specifications consist of

  • APIs and Specification document - defining and describing the specification
  • Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) - used for testing the code implemented based on the APIs and Specification document
  • Compatible Implementation - implementation that successfully passes the TCK

Guiding Principles

The Jakarta EE Working Group seeks to:

  • deliver more frequent releases
  • lower barriers to participation
  • develop the community
  • manage the Jakarta EE brand on behalf the community

Key to this approach is a community-based specification process, with everyone encouraged to participate in an open process that more accurately reflect the needs of the wider community.

We expect the Jakarta EE platform to evolve rapidly, incorporating Java innovations from open source communities like Eclipse MicroProfile into new versions of the platform to help developers create portable cloud-native applications.

Jakarta EE represents the best way to drive cloud-native, mission critical applications and build upon the decades of experience of real world deployments and developers.

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