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Steering Committee


This committee owns the overall strategy and the high level, long term roadmap spanning across multiple releases, produces the Jakarta EE release key messaging and gets periodic updates from other committees and Jakarta EE Platform Project on the status of the release and any related activities.

Committee Members

  • Will Lyons (chair)- Oracle, Ed Bratt - alternate
  • Kenji Kazumura - Fujitsu, Yuichi Kusano - alternate
  • Ian Robinson - IBM, Alasdair Nottingham - alternate
  • Steve Millidge - Payara, Eliot Martin - alternate
  • Mark Little - Red Hat, Scott Stark - alternate
  • David Blevins - Tomitribe, Cesar Hernandez - alternate
  • Martijn Verburg - London Java Community - Elected Participant Member Representative, Marcelo Ancelmo - alternate
  • Arjan Tijms - Elected Committer Member Representative
  • Dr. Jun Qian - Primeton - Elected Enterprise Representative
  • Zhao Xin - Shandong Cvicse Middleware Co. - Elected Enterprise Representative

Meeting Minutes





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