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Working together, the world’s Java ecosystem leaders, including Fujitsu, IBM, Oracle, Red Hat, and Tomitribe, are advancing Java EE and Jakarta EE to support moving mission-critical applications and workloads to the cloud.
Joining the Jakarta EE Working Group demonstrates your commitment not only to the evolution and sustainability of Jakarta EE, but also to ensuring the growth and development of a well-governed, vendor-neutral open source ecosystem which benefits all.
Member Testimonials
"In 20 years working in open source and Java standards I've never seen such a truly diverse and equally shared effort as that required to ship Jakarta EE 8. Source code has been donated, but what emerged is a community that bravely accepts change, innovates open processes and repeatedly choses shared victory over individual success. When we look back in 10 years at all we've accomplished in Jakarta, everyone will agree this was the singular moment in time that shaped our future."
– David Blevins, Founder and CEO of Tomitribe
"Through the years, Fujitsu Limited has been not only a user of the Java language, but has also been actively involved in the development of Java, and as a Charter Member of the Java Community Process Executive Committee, it has helped create the development process for the Java language. As the future of Java EE development moves to Eclipse and becomes an Open Source Developed Specification, Fujitsu has joined Eclipse as a Strategic Member in order to continue its participation in the evolution of Java EE as Jakarta EE, providing it in the cloud native world."
– Hideki Nozaki, VP, Deputy Head of Fujitsu Middleware Unit
"IBM helped create Java EE and guide it through its teenage years and I’m delighted to see the progress made under Jakarta EE. I look forward to Jakarta EE and MicroProfile becoming the open standard for cloud native innovation and the technology we need for Java in the cloud."
– Ian Robinson, Distinguished Engineer, CTO IBM App Platform
"The Jakarta EE project represents a noble goal of free and open-source development on a body of Java specifications that are fundamentally core to the Java experience. The Eclipse Jetty project and its developers at Webtide have contributed to many of these specifications since their inception and are pleased to continue doing so as a part of Jakarta EE."
– Jesse McConnell, CEO and co-founder of Webtide LLC
"Red Hat reaffirms its support for the development of Jakarta EE. We look forward to working with the Eclipse Foundation and the broader Java community to align efforts to drive Enterprise Java forward. The breadth of participation in combination with community governance will help accelerate the evolution of Jakarta EE. We believe that Jakarta EE represents one of the most significant events to have happened to the open source enterprise Java ecosystem since OpenJDK was released."
– Mark Little, VP of Red Hat Software Engineering
"Jelastic team keeps working tightly with Jakarta EE ecosystem to make this technology cloud-friendly, scalable and easily available for developers worldwide. Jakarta EE project is constantly introducing new improvements and we are committed to instantly spread these updates via our PaaS deployed across network of service providers to meet the needs of Java community in tune with the times."
– Ruslan Synytsky, CEO and co-founder of Jelastic
"The Payara Team is dedicated to the growth and success of Jakarta EE. Our customer support contracts help fund our ongoing development efforts and we continue to lend our expertise and resources to the development of Jakarta EE. We’re committed to helping shape the future of open source cloud native Java."
– Stephen Millidge, Founder and Director of Payara® Services, LTD and the Payara Foundation
"Oracle remains committed to the success of Jakarta EE and is pleased with its progress and community support. We are contributing to the projects and the committees and are leveraging the technologies in Oracle Enterprise Cloud Native Java products."
– Tom Snyder, VP of Engineering, Oracle Enterprise Cloud Native Java
Members of the Jakarta EE Working Group take advantage of the following opportunities:
- Protect your strategic investment in Java EE, including ensuring the relevancy of your technology and your developer’s skills for the next generation of technology
- Play a role in defining Jakarta EE strategic themes and priorities to evolve the platform in alignment with your requirements and use cases — and those of your customers
- Gain insights to and influence over the technology roadmap
- Shape the definition, evolution, and execution of the specifications process
- Participate in open collaboration through professionally managed development initiatives
- Ensure your development teams benefit from sharing best practices and cutting edge information for building the next generation of enterprise Java applications